On the southern side of Mahaviralaya is a beautiful marble temple made in the memory of the Acharya. The visitors can have a darshan of the footprints (Paduka) of the Acharya and in the sanctum sanctorum, we can see the idols of Shri Gautamswami who possessed innumerable labdhis, and of Pundarikswami and Sudharmaswami. They are all made of sphatik (crystal) stone and are exquisitely beautiful and charming.
There is beautiful inlay work on the walls and the floor of this temple. The artwork on the doors and other pieces of marble is also unique. A garden with sweet smelling flowers is laid out around this temple. This temple is bound to keep the memory of Acharyashri everlasting & evergreen in our minds and hearts and make us proud of our culture and traditions.
A scheme is also afoot to inscribe the life history of Acharyashri and his precepts on the walls.